Art of Hosting Training Belgium 2025

Art of Hosting Training Belgium 2025

93 93 people viewed this event.

You are warmly invited to join us for a 3-day immersive training in the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter. Throughout the training, you will learn and practice participatory leadership skills to foster engagement, collaboration and impact. You can immediately apply these skills to the issues alive in your own contexts. Because meaningful conversations begin with a powerful question, our training will also be guided by a question, creating focus and purpose for our time together.

Framing the calling question for this training

We live in a time that can feel unsettling. Old certainties are rapidly falling apart and multiple narratives co-exist about how the future might look. Complex and contradictory emotions are simultaneously alive within us, and polarisation in society is intensifying. Many of us are grappling with uncertainty and asking: what is mine to do, and what is ours to do?

Yet this time also holds an invitation: to pause, reflect, and make clear choices about who we want to be as human beings and how we want to live together on – and with – the Earth now and into the future. It makes sense, then, before we move into action, to take the time to come to stillness and tap into our deepest longings.

What do you most long to give to the world? Let’s sit together, listen deeply, share our lived stories and explore what they tell us about what we value and desire. Let’s hold space to deeply connect with ourselves, each other and the natural world we are part of. Let’s be curious about what grounded action arises from our being together. Chaos will be our friend on the journey, and we’ll get to appreciate its generative qualities, as well as its discomfort.

To lend coherence to our process, our conversations during this training will centre around this core question:

In these times of increasing chaos and complexity, what might emerge from our shared stillness and silence? 

You are warmly invited to join us for 3 days of co-creating a space where stillness can lead to clarity, connection can spark action, and shared wisdom can guide us towards a future that is conducive to life. We’ll learn and experience together how to host ourselves, host others and how to be hosted in conversations that matter.

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -



Region - Ghent

Calling Question

In these times of increasing chaos and complexity, what might emerge from our shared stillness and silence? 

Event Hosts

You will be hosted by An Van Damme, Damien Versele, Helen Titchen Beeth, Joke Jonckiere and Valérie Carrette, together with apprentices Kévin De Bruyne, Kristiana Stoyanova and Nell Lenoir. Get to know a bit about us here:

Registration Details

More details and sign up here: The maximum number of participants is 32. If you’d like to attend, make sure to reserve your spot soon.

More information email -

Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Belgium

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2025-07-03 @ 09:30 AM to
2025-07-05 @ 04:30 PM



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