3 day Art of Hosting training Belgium
Do you recognise this: your organisation has a clear and meaningful purpose and the people working alongside of you are really working hard but it doesn’t seem to bring the organisation closer to its goal?
How can we liberate individual creative energy in service of organisational purpose?
That leaves us with some questions around new ways of working:
- What is exactly needed in organisational culture and structure for employees to bring their full potential to work?
- How can your company create the right environment and be a fertile soil for people to liberate their creative energy?
- How to align personal purpose with organisational purpose?
The change in mindset that these questions are pointing to is enormous and requires new leadership and personal skills and new ways to organise ourselves. Read more…
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How can we liberate individual creative energy in service of organisational purpose?
Event Hosts
Registration Details
Invitation: http://www.artofhosting.be/juni-2019-invitation/ Registration: https://percolab.be/aanbod/the-art-of-hosting-and-harvesting-conversations-that-matter-practical-june-2019/
More information email - aohbelg@gmail.com
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Belgium