Art of Hosting Bahia
This is the second Art of Hosting training in the northeast region of Brazil and the first in the state of Bahia… a region with a unique and vivid culture and deep social challenges. The call came out of the first training in the region (Aracaju, May 2013), where two participants (Damar and Ana Paula) took responsibility for bringing this practice to their home state. This call is attracting mainly a group of social entrepreneurs, permaculture activists, ecovillage members, alternative healing practitioners, but is open to anyone who wants to join. Welcome!
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How to expand the field and practice of collaborative leadership in Bahia, contributing to the paradigm shift, from a culture of command and control to new ways of relating, that expand consciousness, through the connection with yourself, with others, wit
Event Hosts
Ana Paula Oliveira, Damar Marvid, Rayssa Neves de Souza, Gustavo Prudente, Mirian Guedes , Narjara Thamiz, Thomas Ufer.
Registration Details
The fee for this training is R$ 1300. Please fill out the form to participate, or contact Damar for more information.
More information email - aohbahiaxe@gmail.com
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Brazil