Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter: Fostering the Conditions for Community Engagement
We live and work in increasingly complex times. A new set of leadership skills is being cultivated to address these times. Skills that tune into and are responsive to ambiguity and emergent circumstances, that foster generative conversations where perspectives can collide to spark new ways of thinking. Skills that invite engagement in whole new ways – in our communities, systems, organizations and teams. tapping into collective wisdom, knowledge and intelligence inherent in any group, any system, any community.
Skills that invite us to show up in the fullness of who we are by growing self awareness and sense of personal power, becoming present to ourselves and each other, listening with new depth, stepping into co-hosting and co-creation. We are in the space between narratives. What is the new narrative you want to be part of co-creating?
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
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Calling Question
What are the leadership skills needed to foster the conditions for community engagement and co-create the new narratives wanting to emerge?
Event Hosts
Dave Ellis Barbara (Bob-e) Simpson-Epps Jerry Nagel Kathy Jourdain
Registration Details
Go to http://meadowlark.co/ to register online. Event is at the TIES Event Center in St. Paul
More information email - Jerry@Meadowlark.co
Contribution to the center - No
Country - United States of America