Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter in Responding to Trauma in our Communities
This is a non-residential 2-day Art of Hosting practicum introduces a way of working together that invites open communication, shared governance, social responsibility and growth and change. Art of Hosting is a proven practice of utilizing participatory processes ~~ i.e., Circle, World Cafe, Open Space, Theory U and Appreciative Inquiry ~~ in a way that engages and activates the passion, wisdom and possibility in groups of people with diverse wisdom and skills to create a place – to heal trauma in our histories, our communities, our organizations and our families.
This is for the full spectrum of communities, organizations, sectors, programs, titles, roles, and experiences – working inclusively to heal individual and collective trauma.
This includes:
social services programs, education, health care, mental health services, juvenile justice, corrections, probation, faith-based, domestic violence, emergency response, substance abuse, foundations, policy makers, employment, community development, veterans, activists, social innovators, social and restorative justice, child welfare, storytellers . . . all who are working in the area of trauma.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Country - United States of America
Calling Question
What does it take to come together and have the courage to host conversations in response to traumatic events in our communities? How do we engage with open minds and open hearts to consider the intersectionality and complexity of racial and economic
Event Hosts
Nancy Fritsche Eagan Kelly McGowan Richard Rivera Mayra Lopez Chantilly Mers
Registration Details
Cost: $250.00. Early Registration: $190 expires on 24/09/2016
More information email -
Contribution to the center - No