Registrations have closed.

Art of Hosting Croatia 2013
425 425 people viewed this event.
After many years of organizing Art of hosting trainings in Croatia in English language, we have a wish to offer AoH practice to all in the region in a language that could enable easier learning and support development of local network of practitioners.
Nakon više godina organiziranja ovog treninga na engleskom jeziku želja nam je ponuditi praksu AoH svima u regiji na jeziku koji će još više olakšati učenje i razvoj mreže praktičara.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
Welcome to the first Art of Hosting in Croatian language!
Event Hosts
Jasmina Lukačević, Martina Stažnik, Jasenka Gojšić i Miljenka Plazonić Bogdan
Registration Details
For all details please see web siet of the event:
More information email -
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Croatia