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Art of Hosting: Hosting Conversations/Embodying Change

Art of Hosting: Hosting Conversations/Embodying Change

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You’re Invited…

to a three-day intensive to explore participatory practices and hosting essential conversations that lead to shifts at all levels – from the grassroots to senior leadership.

Hosting Conversations

In this training, you will learn about specific methodologies for engaging yourself and others in strategic conversations; conversations aimed at helping us take smart action together.  Along with core methodologies, you will  learn mental models and strategies for leading change work and dive deep into your  leadership practices. Each Art of Hosting is a reflection of new understanding and learning about how to make change in ourselves and the systems we care about. After 10 years of working to change our own civic dialogue here in Columbus, Ohio, we have seen the systems in our community shift toward participation at all levels. Our nonprofit sector, academic institutions, private organizations, and all levels of government are engaged in a new way of leading change – together.

Emphasizing the need for skills in working collectively balanced with the deep personal work needed to lead transformative change, we’ll spend our time in conversation about what we know and what we still have to learn about making meaningful change in ourselves, our organizations, and our communities.

Embodying Change

This particular Art of Hosting will offer all the richness of a typical Art of Hosting as well as involve an embodiment component.  With local  Social Presencing Theatre practitioner, Heidi Madsen, we will integrate different ways of knowing and listening into our conversational work.


This is an AoH plus!  We’ll learn about hosting conversation and we’ll use embodiment practices to have fun and learn the

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -


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Calling Question

How do we host conversations and embody change?

Event Hosts

Tuesday Ryan-Hart Deb Helber Phil Cass Heidi Madsen

Registration Details

Registration Cost is $600 (includes training materials, lunches and snacks for all three days). Please register by May 1.

More information email -

Contribution to the center - No

Country - United States of America


Date And Time

2015-05-15 to


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