Art of Hosting in Education
Over the course of five days, we will work together using the practices and tools of participatory learning. The Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations that Matter (www.artofhosting.org) offers us the practices and methods that will support us in learning and working together and at the same time have the opportunity both to raise your challenging questions and get real time input on your projects. A group of international participants and hosts will be your sparring partners and your support team. Together, we will move from conversation to practical application.
Join us as we learn Art of Hosting authentic conversations in the field of education to lead us to wiser action and real change so we can together create the future of education we all dream about.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How do we together create the education we all dream about?
Event Hosts
Toke Paludan Møller, DK Mary Alice Arthur, New Zealand Laura Weisel, USA Diederik Bosscha, NL Co-Creating Communitites, LT (former known as “IDEAL Lithuania”)
Registration Details
More information email - info@aoh-education.org
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Lithuania