Art of Participatory Leadership
Everyone can contribute to positive change. Learn how to take collaborative action on the big issues that you and your organisation care about by building a community around a shared purpose.
This Art of Participatory Leadership is an experiential training based on the principles of the Art of Hosting and is held in Dutch. You will take a deep dive into a participatory process: we offer tools, mental models & methods and you’ll experience new ways of convening and relating to each other. In addition you’re challenged to step into the leadership role that is needed to bring about the positive change you wish for. There is time and space to inquire your own questions with the other participants and hosting team. You will dig deeper into the worldviews that underpin and sometimes even hinder your work.
What you learn is to design collaborative initiatives, to use practical tools to increase your positive impact and to introduce the benefits of participatory leadership to your own field.
This training is open for everyone wishing to bring positive change in a collaborative way. You can be anyone from a professional in sustainability, development, innovation, consultancy or management to a program manager, facilitator or community leader. What counts is your commitment to positive change and to develop yourself to take up a role in this collaborative process.
More info on https://artofparticipatoryleadership.org
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How do we collaborate to bring positive change?
Event Hosts
Lieven Callewaert - steward Art of Hosting Belgium Sandra Gevaert - steward Art of Hosting the Netherlands
Registration Details
You can register via the website or directly with the registration link.
More information email - info@aopl.eu
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Belgium