Building Collaborative Capacity Through Appreciative Inquiry
This three-day collaborative event is designed as a method/skills training (Appreciative Inquiry) applied to the strategic issue of building confidence and capacity for collaboration in communities with diverse interests and goals.
The initiative for this training arose within the Slovenian Art of Hosting community, who perceive the growing need, and longing, for collaboration with others to address complex challenges – but also hesitancy, fear, and the longing for more capacity to boldly start and sustain collaborations that really nourish us all. The issue is especially relevant in many contexts in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe; though definitely not limited to this area, so we invite anyone who feels called to join in the exploration :-):
What will I get out of this training?
§ Experience an appreciative approach to complex strategic issues, and explore its potential compared to traditional problem-solving methodologies
§ Learn about the Appreciative Inquiry methodology and approach
§ Insights and ideas how to foster collaborations and partnerships in a sustainable way
§ Inspiration, connection and fun
The working language of the training will be English. Within small groups, participants may choose another language that they all share.
The training will be highly dynamic, experiential and interactive. It is not an event for spectators: everyone is invited to contribute their own issues, challenges, existing and emerging projects, provocative questions, ideas and wisdom.
When and where
17 – 19 April 2015 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday), Hotel Lev, Vosnjakova 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia, each day from 9.00 to 18.00.
The Lev Hotel**** is centrally located in Ljubljana, offering special rates to the training participants (50 EUR per person for double occupancy, 65 EUR for a single room; breakfast included). Participants are asked to book their accommodation directly through the hotel (discount code to be stated: Taisa).
In the spirit of fostering collaborations, some Slovenian participants are happy to accommodate colleagues from abroad in their homes; please share requests and offer at this home-sharing link.
How much
§ 350 EUR individuals and not-for-profit organizations (NGOs, public sector)
§ 450 EUR corporate fee
The participation fee covers the participation at the training, course materials, lunches during the three days, and refreshments during the breaks.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How can we as hosts, leaders, or change agents support communities to reclaim the joy of collaborating with other groups and individuals? How to build enough trust to make collaboration across differences possible? How can we connect together around w
Event Hosts
Mary Alice Arthur, Marjeta Novak, Janja Rebolj, Natalija Vrhunc, Dragana Prijanovic
Registration Details
More information: http://drustvo-moderatorjev.si/building-collaborative-capacity-through-appreciative-inquiry/
More information email - info@drustvo-moderatorjev.si
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Slovenia