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Deepening Your Hosting Practice Through Worldview Intelligence

Deepening Your Hosting Practice Through Worldview Intelligence

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Each of us has a worldview. It impacts how we see and interact with the world, events, situations and other people and thus our hosting practice.  Our Worldviews influence our communication, decision-making and workplace cultures.  Most of this happens unconsciously.  Worldview awareness helps us explore individual and collective assumptions, beliefs and value systems with curiosity and non-judgment. This opens the potential for more comprehensive approaches and solutions to emerge on a range of issues and opportunities, including those that might be mildly oppositional to completely divisive to seemingly unsolvable. This rapidly evolving body of work generates a deeper understanding of worldview, how worldviews are developed and why understanding them and growing the skill to work with them creates a fundamentally different environment for some of today’s most challenging conversations. 

As a hosting practice, Worldview Intelligence equips individuals, organizations and communities with the skills and ability to work with and hold different and multiple worldviews simultaneously.  This includes: 

  • Awareness of your own worldview and learning about, acknowledging and appreciating other perspectives or worldviews in conversations that matter
  • Navigation of encounters with differing perspectives to find new ways forward on matters of shared interest or concern or to resolve conflict 
  • Cultural agility in a range of hosting settings that allows the advancement many interests at the same time
  • Practices that raise awareness of beliefs and assumptions we each hold
  • A framework or guide for ongoing individual and collective worldview exploration, more creative problem solving


Experiencing and understanding the transformative power of worldview awareness often leads to more creative solutions to the human dynamics challenges we routinely encounter in all kinds of places.It offers a structure approach to deepening your hosting skills.

These two days will focus on worldview as a personal hosting practice and the patterns and practices of organizational worldview that allow us to work differently in our organizations.

Additional Details

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Calling Question

What if there was a new way into, and through, our most challenging conversations? What if there was a simple guide to learning how?

Event Hosts

Jerry Nagel Kathy Jourdain Dave Ellis

Registration Details

Registration fee: $495.00 USD (includes a light lunch and any resource materials) Register through Meadowlark Institute at

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Contribution to the center - No

Country - United States of America


Date And Time

2015-03-26 to


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