Learning Village: From Crisis to Possibility
“To dare is to risk one’s footing momentarily – not to dare is to lose oneself” [Soren Kierkegaard- Danish philosopher]. He was born on May 5, 1813 in the year when the state of Denmark went bankrupt. Today we are also facing challenges – this time on a global scale.
What potential lies in our economic, educational, political, environmental or even personal crisis?
What is it like to be a human being in times of change? How can we co-create a future that works for all?
You are invited to a Learning Village, the purpose of which is to bring more awareness into finding new ways to respond to “Crisis” and to support each other in creating a sustainable future.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
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Calling Question
What potential lies in our crises? What can we learn from the past? What is it like to be a human being in times of change? How can we co-create a future that works for all?
Event Hosts
Story Activist Mary Alice Arthur
Registration Details
More information email - fruergaard@transitiontime.org
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Denmark