The Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations and Participatory Leadership

The Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations and Participatory Leadership

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The Art of Hosting Meaningful Conversations and Participatory Leadership is an intensive 3-day learning experience where you will practice a set of simple yet powerful approaches for designing and hosting (facilitating) powerful conversations, engagement processes and meetings. It is an effective way of harnessing the collective wisdom and self-organizing capacity of groups. We believe that people give their energy and lend their resources to what matters most to them – in work as in life. These practices invite people to step in and respond to the challenges facing them in creative, authentic, innovative and effective ways.

​This is a 3 day, in person, non-residential workshop, with a dinner & music evening at East is East to connect with other participants. Nearby accommodations list will be provided for those joining from away.

Additional Details

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Calling Question

The times we are living in call for more effective meetings, better engagement processes, participatory leadership and the ability to craft strategy from collective wisdom and intelligence.

Event Hosts

Caitlin Frost, Chris Corrigan, Kelly Foxcroft-Poirier and Kris Archie

Registration Details

Tuition: Regular Organization/Individual Rate: 1425.00 + 5%GST Non-Profit/Reduced Individual Rate: 1225.00 + 5%GST ​ Cost includes: Tuition, workbook, lunches, coffee/tea breaks. Group dinner & music night on Tuesday (drinks paid on your own). Some partial bursaries are available with specific intention to support participation of BIPOC and other equity-seeking participants. Contact Caitlin for more information. Discounts for groups of 4 or more. 10% (Regular/Individual rate) 5% (Reduced/Non-Profit rate). Please email us for a discount code before proceeding. Contact

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Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Canada

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2025-03-31 to


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