The Heart of Hosting the Subtle Energies
The Invitation
We are excited to invite you to a deep and fascinating exploration into the realms of the subtle energies and how they are so essential in creating a field that supports and sustains heart centered relationships. We will learn how to be a bridge, a channel between these two worlds and to connect into the collective consciousness where all answers lie.
How will we do this?
- We will explore and share experiences on how to acknowledge subtle energies in our life and learn to read and work with it
- We will deepen our understanding about the field and how to tune into it
- We will practice creating and holding space for emergence to happen
- Above all, we will work on ourselves, as we are the channel for our own work in the world
If you want to explore and experience how to sense and work with the subtle energies, and how to create and hold a heart centered space – come join us!
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I’ll meet you there”. ~Rumi
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How would our world change if we acknowledged and included the subtle energies into our life? What would our life and work look like leading from our collective heart?
Event Hosts
Gustavo Prudente Narjara Thamiz Katie Boone William Inwagen
Registration Details
Early bird registration of $1,250 (USD) ends on July 31st, regular registration of $1,500 (USD) ends on August 31st. Early registration is encouraged, space is limited to 40 participants.
More information email - info@heartofhosting.com
Contribution to the center - No
Country - United States of America