Reimagining Education – Art of Hosting

Reimagining Education – Art of Hosting

252 252 people viewed this event.

Join us October 16–19, 2025 on the shores of Lake Opinicon at the Queen’s University Biological Station in Elgin, Ontario, for our third annual immersive, 3-day residential learning experience.

This training is for educators, facilitators, leaders and anyone passionate about learning environments or ways to lead in a more participatory way. Together, we’ll explore how to move beyond one-way, ‘sage on the stage’ teaching and leadership and create more participatory, engaging spaces. How can we bring collaborative leadership into classrooms, organizations and other learning settings? How can we use these practices to inspire others to approach how we live, work and play together?

This is a residential workshop and includes all meals and accommodations, offering a fully immersive experience. You are responsible for your own travel to and from the Research Station, but we’ll help you coordinate carpools and provide a shuttle from the Kingston Via Rail station if needed.

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -



Region - Elgin, Ontario

Calling Question

What grows when we courageously imagine the future of education and learning together?

Event Hosts

Jennifer Williams, Chris Corrigan, Troy Maracle, Cédric Jamet

Registration Details

Tuition: Standard Individual Rate: 1450.00 + HST 13% Reduced Individual Rate: 1050.00 + HST 13% (we offer the reduced ticket price with the intention of increasing accessibility and allowing more participants to benefit from this training who wouldn't be able to otherwise). Payment Plans are available on request. Cost includes: Tuition, Workbook, Room & Board at Queen's University Biological Station, Access to the full station on Lake Opinicon including trails, canoes, campfires and starry nights.

More information email -

Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Canada

To register for this event please visit the following URL: →


Date And Time

2025-10-16 @ 05:00 PM to
2025-10-19 @ 03:00 PM

Registration End Date



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