Unlocking Leadership. Moving from Silo to System – The Art of Hosting Organisational & Systemic Change
Art of hosting and harvesting conversations that matter. – A training in Particopatory Leadership
What would become possible if we were to use the Art of Hosting as an operating system, to create meaningful, innovative and sustainable initiatives for a better Egypt?
Healthcare is in crisis. Crisis is an opportunity for change. Real change calls for a new story and practice of leadership. What else might healthcare be?
Art of Hosting conversations that matters – a training in participatory leadership and chaordic path
A combination of Art of Hosting and Aikido practices in service of people and planet.
The Time is Now! A brand new edition of the Art of Hosting training course, in Dutch. When you feel that the time is now to co-create innovative solutions for today’s problems inspired by the collective intelligence of teams, organisations and communities, but don’t know how to start or to proceed, please read on…
Art of Participatory Leadership at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Lund, Sweden
A three‐day intensive exploring of participatory practices for inviting and hosting game‐changing conversations in our groups, organizations, communities and movements.
How do we build the capacity within our systems for connections and collaborative action to flourish in service of our communities?
¿Como creo conversaciones que contribuyan a cambiar realidades y a construir con otros soluciones a problemas complejos que enfrentamos hoy?
Participatory Leadership: The Art of Creating Sustainable Co-Operation – First time in Singapore!
TérTeremtő Dialógusok – Space Creating Dialogues
This powerful programme will provide you with skills to engage and collaborate more effectively in the work place in new and exciting ways.
Wir laden Sie ein, mit den Methoden des Art of Hosting ins Wesentliche einzutauchen.
¿Qué prácticas necesitamos para poder explorar juntos, los desafíos que enfrentamos? ¿Cómo podríamos construir con nuestras diferencias, algo valioso para todos?
Participatory Leadership Practices – through the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that matter
For people interested in growing their capacity to host important social or economic topics, an Art of Hosting calling coming out of conversations with people active in faith communities and open to all who feel called to leading, convening and engaging using participatory approaches. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm daily.
A training in participatory leadership in practice – learn to create the circumstances that allow emergence to happen through Conversations That Matter
A Arte de Anfitriar Conversas Significativas Rio de Janeiro.
Hoe anders en beter samenwerken om te realiseren wat we werkelijk wensen?
We will train together in youth work practices, explore mental models, use real life challenges and discover the changing face of youth work. If you are seeking to transform yourself and how you work with youth, read on…
Art of hosting conversations that matters – a training in participatory leadership and chaordic path.
Welcome to the dojo, the place of practise!
Two days intensive workshop in The Art of Hosting (AoH) practice for AoH practitioners and newcomers
Exploring what calls us in our hearts – a time of practice and finding deeper clarity of our work for the world.
This is the 3rd Art of Hosting Training taking place in Oslo. (in English).
Was wäre möglich, wenn wir mit Art of Hosting entdecken, welche Kraft und Weisheit in der Gemeinschaft liegt und wie wir sie nutzen können?
The Art of Hosting Transformative Conversations: From strategic conversations – to wise action – to systemic transformation
Innover pour durer: de la responsabilité individuelle à l’éfficacité collective
Art of Participatory Leadership and Social Innovation in CA!
an international learning village at Castle Statenberg in Slovenia
12th Art of Hosting training in Brazil!
What are new ways of leading with clarity and courage in our rapidly changing world?
Leading for Sustainability – 2. Art of Hosting for Singapore
How can we increase our collaboration with our selves, our partners and stakeholders in service of the common good?
What can total collapse teach us? – A collective story harvest gathering at Vallekilde Folk Highschool in Denmark.
The Art of Collaboration – special focus on teamwork and collaborations.
Intergenerational Collaboration, Participatory Leadership & Restorative Communities
Et si on abordait le travail différemment?…
How do we facilitate transformations in our organizations, companies, groups, communities and in society which make the most of our individual gifts and, at the same time, draw on the richness of the whole community?
What is the new call to leadership and collaboration in this time of uncertainty, change and possibility?
Developing Partnerships in the Workplace: Fundamentals for Participative Leadership
Hosting our Evolution: Calling and Holding a Deep Field for the Emergence of Collective Wisdom
How do we want to learn and lead in changing cities?
The Art of Collaborative Place making.
The Purpose of the Learning Village is to co-create a weekend of harvesting our 2011 experiences through Open Space, story-telling, visioning and sharing by hosting ourselves, each other and the community with authenticity, heart and curiosity.
How can we use our passion, creativity, courage and perseverance to transform our organisations and communities?
Art of Collaborative Leadership – rooted in the Art of Hosting family of facilitation.
Training in the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter
The Art of Participatory Leadership: A focus on harvesting for sustainable change, sustaining energy and wise action in our organizations and communities.
What is burning within you to step up to Social Leadership?
Clarté et vide : leaders invisibles pour une organisation vivante ?
L’art du leadership collaboratif
The art of collaborative leadership ~ cultivating our capacity for hosting systemic transformation
Art of Hosting Social Innovation – we will convene a field of creativity, innovation and deep dialog.
Art of Hosting: the Power of Collaboration, in partnership with the Hub Zagreb initiative.
How do we facilitate change in our organizations, enterprises and society enhancing the diversity of the community and the impact of each of us?
What if hosting is the way to lead community change now?
What is burning within you to step up to Social Leadership?
Leading thoughtful colaboration and wise actions
An Art of Hosting training in Portugese!
Convening practitioners who are already applying the Art of Hosting in their work. Welcome to others to join, learn together how to accelerate systemic change, whether in Nova Scotia or beyond.
Art of Participatory Leadership: a three-day intensive exploring participatory practices for inviting and hosting game-changing conversations in our groups, organizations, communities and movements.
Supporting Participatory Leadership, Self Organization and Community Resiliency.
What is burning within you to step up to Social Leadership?
Fundamentals for Collaborative Leadership: an opportunity to grow, support and connect with others doing amazing work in this province who are facing similar challenges so we can move beyond episodes of enthusiasm to sustainable, visible and fundamental shifts.
Getting Our Important Work Done Together How can we wisely lead diverse people in courageous, collaborative action? Join us in an immersive Art of Hosting workshop for learning about leading yourself and others in concerted action.
Art of Hosting Youth Vancouver Hosting the Standing Wave
El Arte de Convocar y Facilitar Conversaciones para la Transformación Social
Leading Change through Dialogue, Learning and Action
Training in the Art of hosting and harvesting what matters now – in our families, friendships, communities, businesses, organisations and cities.
How Do We Foster Collective Wisdom and Collaborative Action During Times of Uncertainty?
What is burning inside of you and the systems you are part of that needs social and organisational innovation?
How we can work together for change? How we can collaborate in interdisciplinary teams, transcend old paradigms, unearth collective intelligence and create radically more effective, sustainable and creative outcomes in groups?
Training in the Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations that Matter
How Does Uncertainty Create Possibility for Alberta? How Can Albertans Collective Ingenuity be Unleashed?
Training in participatory leadership through hosting and harvesting conversations that matter.
A series of Art of hosting and harvesting events to answer the question: How can we work differently, bring people with us, and get more than the results we’re hoping for?
Open Leerdag: Participatie werkt: altijd?!? Participatie is ‘in’. Maar werkt dit altijd zoals we zouden willen? Leidt dit tot actiever burgerschap? Stimuleert dit zelfsturend ondernemerschap? Verdwijnt de kloof tussen wij en zij?
Art of Hosting & Harvesting Strategic and Meaningful Conversations.
First Aoh training in Japan ever.
Art of Participatory Leadership. Focusing on Purpose-Driven Work, Creating Powerful Conversations, Attending to What is, Acting Wisely, Building Community
First Art of Hosting training in French.
The Art of Humans Being — Repatterning Ourselves, Our Work, and Our Communities in the New Story
What is possible for us, our organizations, our city and the world when we truly work together as a force for positive change?
Participatory Leadership – Through The Art of Hosting & Harvesting Conversations That Matter
The art of collaborative leadership – growing resilience in the movement towards a sustainable world.
Leadership is convening. We are more aware than ever that human beings are living in complex systems. Complex environments require additional leadership capacities, one of these practices is convening.
The challenges we live today call for deep reflection, union and action to build the world we all want to live in together. What is this world we want to co-create? What’s our role in it? How can we achieve it together?
To a practice field and inquiry around the question of: What are we learning about enabling collaborative change?
Moving to Action Through Life-Affirming Leadership – An Art of Hosting Workshop How can we boldly lead ourselves and others to new ways of seeing,doing and being that create a more life-affirming workplace and world?
The time is now! Third time in Dutch in Holland!
Training across the generations at the Shambhala Summer Institute for Authentic Leadership in Action
For the first time ever an Art of Hosting training will be given in Dutch!
Creating Healthy Communities so Children and Families Can Thrive
The Art of Hosting and Convening Conversations experiential training, learning lab and retreat.
The game has changed, whether you’re looking at business, healthcare, education or almost any area – the old systems are unsustainable. What are the new rules?
Art of Hosting for People Asking Urgent Questions About Money Issues
The Art of hosting conversations that matter – Breaking down our inner walls
Innovating from within. Training in The Art of hosting and harvesting conversations that matter.
4.000.000 dreams gathering for New Zealand. We are serious about creating a community of practice throughout New Zealand that shifts the way we do meetings and collaborate in this country. This is the first step in a long term vision.
Art of hosting training – From conversations that matter to wise action to social change
How do we build resilience in communities, organisations and ourselves?
Training in The Art of hosting and harvesting conversations that matter.
New York City Art of Hosting Community of Practice – What conversations do we need to build healthy, resilient, and socially just communities?
Art of hosting and harvesting conversations that matter training
Calling question: “How can we learn from nature to host our organisations, communities, families and ourselves as living systems through the Art of Hosting meaningful conversations?”
We invite people from Europe and else where in the world: teachers, leaders, bureaucrats, social entrepreneurs, local Belgians, experts, young and old for training in the Art of hosting and harvesting questions and conversations that matter for us at this time.
The Art of Hosting and convening conversations that matter
Art of Hosting and Convening Conversations: Social Innovation at Scale. Weaving the learning of the Art of Hosting and the Berkana Institute. Everyone is welcome!
The Art of Hosting and Convening Meaningful Conversations: Applied Practice in Change Leadership. Callers and Hosting Team: Sharon Joy Kleitsch, Muryah Baldwin, Chris Corrigan, Peggy Holman, Tenneson Woolf
Training in the Art of hosting and harvesting conversations and questions that matter now.
The Art of Hosting and Harvesting
For the fourth year in a row the Art of Hosting returns to the Shire, this time with an all local team. Join us to experience a different perspective of leadership, which sets free other people’s creativity and intelligence in order to achieve better cooperation and results.
How can I create full ownership of the learning and action with people I work with?
Join us at the beautiful Rivendell Retreat Centre on Bowen Island for deep learning, practice and play as we explore the Art of Hosting and Harvesting meaningful conversations that create real change in our organizations, communities and lives.
How can we transform our organisations, communities and lives through the action of meaningful conversation?
For social innovators working with local or regional community challenges, when engaging the community in partnership is an essential element.
From Strategic Conversation to Wise Action to Social Change
Art of Hosting: Seeking the Synthesis. We will be offering the learning and clarity that has emerged for us over the year and exploring the questions on the edge of our practice as social innovators.
Training in the art of hosting and harvesting questions and conversations that matter – it will be in Portugese with English translation
This training will build on the powerful Art of Hosting process that enables us to practice developing our full presence as hosts and equips us with practical hosting tools such as World Cafe, Open Space Technology and Appreciative Inquiry.
Today’s organizational and societal challenges require new approaches that achieve real, sustainable impact. But what are these ways? And what is possible if we train together?
We invite anyone who wants to practice leadership that invites collective creativity and intelligence and achieves better cooperation and results.
How do we live the next level of our individual and collective practices in the arts of convening, hosting and harvesting meaningful conversations? How do we best steward this Art of Hosting pattern ?
Art of hosting spaces for social innovation at the London HUB and Chew Magna, England
The Art of Hosting training returns to The Shire!
Kufunda Village, close to Harare, Zimbabwe
Contact: Ria Baeck: ria.baeck@community-intelligence.com
Heerlijckyt van Elsmeren, Geetbets by Bruxelles
Contact: Jan Hein Nielsen: jan@uphill.dk http://www.days.dk/artofhosting
Strandbo, Svenborg, Denmark.
Contact: Sera Thompson: sera@pioneersofchange.net
Gold Lake Mountain, Boulder, Colorado
Art of hosting training, The Shire, Nova Scotia, Canada
Art of hosting training, Youth Leaders, Castle Borl, Slovenia
Art of hosting training, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Art of hosting training, Boston, USA
Art of hosting training, Sao Paolo, Brazil
Art of hosting training, BOLT – First nations youth leaders, BC, Canada
Art of hosting training, Hawkwood, England
Art of hosting training, Johannesburg, South Africa
Art of hosting training, Nova Scotia, Canada
Art of hosting training, Johannesburg, South Africa
Art of hosting training, Rivendell, Bowen Island, BC, Canada
Art of hosting training, Israel
Art of Hosting, DEMOS – European Youth Leaders, Rhodos, Greece
Art of Hosting Stewards Gathering, The Shire, Nova Scotia, Canada
Art of hosting training, Sisimiut, Greenland
Art Of Hosting, Centre for Social Innovation, Toronto, Canada
Art of hosting training, ZIN, The Netherlands
Art of hosting training, Glen Laural, Ohio, USA
Art of hosting training, Hazelwood, England
Art of hosting training, The Marsh House, Whidbey Island, USA
Art of hosting training, Kufunda Village, Zimbabwe
Art of hosting training, Kufunda Village, Zimbabwe
Art of Hosting training, Days like this, Denmark
Art of hosting training, Shambhala Institute, Halifax, Canada
Art of hosting training, Rivendell, Bowen Island, BC, Canada
Art of hosting training, Hazelwood, England
Art of hosting training, The Netherlands
Art of hosting training, The Marsh House, Whidbey Island, USA
Art of hosting training, Zagreb, Croatia
Open Space hosting training, Days like this, Denmark
Art of hosting training, Shambhala Institute, Halifax, Canada
Art of hosting training, Hazelwood, England
Art of hosting training, Shambhala Institute, Halifax, Canada
Art of hosting training, Castle Borl in Slovenia
Open Space hosting training, Days like this, Denmark
Open Space Village, Castle Borl, Slovenia
Open Space Village, Castle Borl, Slovenia
Pioneers of Change – hosting training, Santa Cruz, USA