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The Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter with The Outside

The Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter with The Outside

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Many of us have returned to work post pandemic only to discover the world has changed. There is a need to build compelling shared work and coherent relationships across our communities, organizations and institutions to generate concrete forward movement.

The Outside invites you to explore how we engage with each other to deliver results in an increasingly complex and fast paced environment. Along with our extensive global experience, The Outside hosting team includes Tim Merry, a founder of the Art of Hosting (AoH), Tuesday (Ryan-Hart) Rivera, an AoH global steward who centers equity into the practice, Dr. Gabrielle Donnelly, a longtime AoH practitioner-scholar, and Gian Paul Ganzoni, a senior organizational development strategist. You’ll be in good company – join us!

No matter what sector we work in, what community we live in, or what family we were born into, we are all faced with situations that demand people work together across their differences. The Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter with The Outside (also known as the Art of Participatory Leadership) offers simple yet powerful participatory practices to host generative conversations that can lead to collective action and long lasting change. The Art of Hosting is more than just a training program. These participatory leadership approaches are used in diverse contexts worldwide, scaling from the personal to the systemic using personal practice, dialogue, facilitation and the co-creation of ways forward to address complex challenges.

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -


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Calling Question

Are you looking to put work back at the centre of your collaborations? Are you looking for meaningful ways to run meetings, events, or long-term change initiatives? Are you interested in creating cultures of deep participation, engagement and trust? Would you like to explore your role as a “host” in conversations, meetings and sessions and develop your participatory leadership skills? Would you like to advance your multi-stakeholder project in a collaborative and provocative learning environment?

Event Hosts

Tim Merry, Tuesday (Ryan-Hart) Rivera, Dr. Gabrielle Donnelly, Gian Paul Ganzoni

Registration Details

Registration Overview: Day 1: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 Day 2: Thursday, July 18, 2024 Day 3: Friday, July 19, 2024 Location: Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada Cost: $1,750 USD *space is limited to 60 participants Cost includes registration, meals and non-alcoholic drinks (breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner). Accommodation and transportation costs are the responsibilities of each participant. A group rate for rooms is available to participants.

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Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Canada


Date And Time

2024-07-17 to


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