So many resources are available within any organization that never seem to get tapped. The rich experience of people outside their job descriptions, the synergy when people begin to work together with commitment and passion, the innovation that happens when diverse personalities, skills and perspectives come together… Many organizations talk about working differently, but how do you do that?
The Art of Hosting – often called the Art of Participatory Leadership in business contexts – offers a way to unleash this untapped energy for transformation within any system. Equally suited to both strategic and practical implementation work, the practice of Art of Hosting begins to build the capacity to work within and across the system, offering a way to access rich resources lying beneath the surface of organizational life.
Art of Hosting practices can be used to complement more traditional organizational practices.
Instead of sitting in the dark listening to talks, over 50 geoscientists came and brainstormed, talked, thought, scribbled, and argued about the most pressing questions in subsurface geoscience today. Find out more, and see all the evidence, at

Traditional corporate communication must give way to a process that is more dynamic and more sophisticated. Most important, that process must be conversational.
Innovation doesn’t come with a set of best practices.
A masterful job of organizing, inspiring and encouraging this large group of faculty, stakeholders and potential partners. The results of the 30 plus conversations were very valuable in creating the charter document for the RFI.