Public sector
Just as organisations are talking about working differently, many in the public sector have long been searching for more innovative ways to grapple with intractable problems. Societal issues and financial challenges demand new ways of working that encourage and support a diversity of views and solutions, all coming to bear on the problem.
But how do you help people with radically different views to work together? How do you create practices within the public sector itself that will make it more robust and more able to meet the increasing challenges that it faces?
Art of Hosting practice helps both citizens and public sector people step in and collaborate well together. They are being used within the European Commission and other EU institutions, in the NGO realm, and in hospitals, schools and a variety of other places seeking to better serve people and their needs.
Here is a one page document that gives a short overview of introducing these new models of participatory leadership within the European Commission (referred to here as The Art of Participatory Leadership).

The Art of Hosting is a practice that heals the broken relationships between people.
The Art of Hosting and harvesting conversations that matter is a new practice of democracy that we really need in the world now.
This is the best training I have had in the 20 years I have worked in the European Commission.