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2024 Art of Hosting Taiwan

2024 Art of Hosting Taiwan

69 69 people viewed this event.

In a world brimming with challenges, we invite you to embark on a journey of connection, understanding and co-creation.
We stand at the crossroads, where love, empathy, and understanding can become our guiding lights. It is through deep listening, genuine connection and courageous co-creaction that we can create a space for transformation and healing. This is where the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations That Matter comes into play.

The training designed as a learning journey equips you with the tools to host meaningful conversations, explore diverse perspectives, build bridges and foster understanding. Over the course of four days, we will learn, grow and practice skills that foster meaningful dialogue, ultimately leading to the emergence of our collective wisdom.

在全球各地行之已久的 Art of Hosting (AoH) 培訓即將在台灣發生!
Art of Hosting 是一系列用於團體引導、對話和系統性變革的方法,由國際引導者社群依據共享或開源(open source)模式所發展出來。
Art of Hosting 也是一種領導力方法,從個人擴展到系統變革,通過個人實踐、對話、引導和共同創新來應對我們面臨的複雜挑戰。
ܤ 從2023年五月的召集開始,經過了整整16個月的討論與籌備期,我們終於準備就緒:
2024/11/7–11/10,Art of Hosting Taiwan 即將在花蓮迎來第一次住宿型培訓,邀請所有團體帶領人、社區工作者、主持引導者、教師、家長或存粹對於對話引導有興趣的夥伴來參與這場難得的盛事!

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -

Region - East Asia

Calling Question

👂"What could happen in our relationships when we listen deeply to ourselves, to other beings, and to what wants to emerge?"

Event Hosts

(Hosting team) Yurie Maikihara, Trang Nguyễn, Ellie Ngọc Hương, Sara Huang. (Organising team) Hema Wu, Eric Tseng, Jorie Wu

Registration Details

More information email -

Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Taiwan


Date And Time

2024-11-07 @ 09:00 AM to
2024-11-10 @ 05:00 PM


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