Art of Hosting and Harvesting Belgium
These days diversity is an inescapable fact of life in Belgian society: in language, culture, politics, ethnicity; in the gaps between professional silos, managers and workers, generations, faiths and personal histories.
Wherever we look, we see canyons to be crossed, bridges to be built: how can top-down meet bottom-up? How can we engage with all stakeholders? Integrate successive waves of refugees? Reach out across the boundaries between generations, faiths, languages, worldviews and cultures? How can we invite all these differences into the rich dance of humanity?
What would it be like to embody a society where everyone and everything can thrive? Where I can accept and celebrate your culture and values without having to devalue or sacrifice my own?
This will be a very experiential training – you will be invited from day 1 to step up and apply what you are learning directly, by hosting parts of the process yourself, with others, and with the support and guidance of the hosting team. Expect to work hard, be challenged, laugh a lot, perhaps even cry a little, and leave larger than you were when you arrived.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
What if it were up to us to embody a society where everyone and everything can thrive?
Event Hosts
Ilse Pogatschnigg, Helen Titchen Beeth, Steve Ryman, Linda Mitchell, René Herlaar, Lucy Herlaar, An Baert, Ria Baeck, Guido Matteeuws, Lara Emde, Marie-Hélène Elleboudt, Adinda Taelman, Damien Versele
Registration Details
We have chosen for a Shared Economy model - it is a cooperative, responsibility-based approach to funding the training where the community as a whole holds the financial responsibility, and not just the organising team. Taking into consideration the costs of the event and one’s own financial resources, each participant is invited to identify what they can pay, then add a little more. Read more details here: http://www.artofhosting.be/shared-economy/
More information email - info@artofhosting.be
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Belgium