Consultants – Facilitators

What helps create motivation and commitment? How can people within an organisational structure be encouraged to lead from where they are? What makes it possible to break down silos?  What could transform meetings seen as time wasters into the productive coming together we all hope for?

If you work regularly with organisations and teams as a consultant, or inside an organisation as a human resource or organisational development practitioner, Art of Hosting is a valuable addition to your current skills.  It blends both a set of methodologies and a wider practice for working in complex systems.

Most organisations have long been talking about how they can work smarter with ever-dwindling resources. There’s not much new in that, but what is new is the recent interest in the need for practices that build and encourage participatory leadership and that help us thrive in complex situations.

Art of Hosting is one way to both open the doorway to productive participation, and build the capacity to consistently engage. An ability to work with participatory methods makes the people you work with more confident in ever-increasing complexity and working with emergent issues.  This in turn builds the field of trust that enables an organization to make the most of the potential held within its people.