GERMAN Language Training: Führung in Veränderung
[Note: this is a German language training]
This is an extended training on hosting transformation processes. It is based on the hosts daily practice of Art of Hosting in complex change processes and complemented by their long-lived experience in systems thinking, leadership in complexity and participatory processes.
It is designed as three phases:
1) September-October: online sessions to develop a shared language and prepare the field.
2) November: 3.5 training in Austria to experience and explore the fundamentals of transformation
3) December-January: several days of peer-coaching in the group to help land the transformation in your organisation.
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
German: Wie haut Transformation hin, ohne die Betroffenen vor den Kopf zu stoßen? English (roughly): How does transformation succeed without upsetting those affected?
Event Hosts
Holger Heller, Mischa Altmann, Torsten Westermayer
Registration Details
We start online in September with our pre-modules before our physical training and post-workshop-peer-coaching days. We are interested in running the program again and/or customizing it for more tailored use. Mischa / training@quantuum.consulting / +43 676 9031082
More information email - training@quantuum.consulting
Contribution to the center - No
Country - Austria