Art of Hosting Denmark 2025
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to take part in our three day training in the Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations that Matter. The training will take place at Himmelbjerggården near Silkeborg, Denmark from Thursday 3 April to Saturday 5 April, 2025.
The world we live in calls for a different kind of leadership…
A kind of leadership that awakens the leader in each and every one of us and our innate drive and desire to contribute to positive change for our communities, organisations and society at large. Many of us can see that the status quo is not a viable option if we are aiming for a thriving and sustainable planet, and it takes courage and trust to transcend the feeling of deep despair, to see that a more beautiful world is possible.
We invite you to join us!
Who is this training for?
Whether you come from the private, public, third or NGO sectors or are simply an engaged citizen, this cross-sectoral training is a vibrant learning space where your thinking can expand, your projects can be refined and you can build lasting relationships that can support the impact of your work long into the future.
The training is for you who are:
Curious about what sustainable leadership is in practice, on a personal and a collective level.
Frustrated that the current ways of doing things are not working and not creating the results that are needed.
Ready to learn more about how you, together with others, can create the conditions at meetings, processes and conversations where everyone in the room gets equal opportunities to speak and be listened to… And where, through the co-creative ability, we create the basis for truly sustainable solutions
If this resonates then the training is a place for you.
What will we learn & practice together?
During the training you will gain knowledge of what is needed to create meetings and conversations that can support the ability to think together, make use of, and “harvest” different insights, ideas and methods in ways that lead to concrete action.
Specifically you will learn how to:Design collaborative meetings initiatives and projects
Host meaningful conversations and harvest actionable insights
Translate your innovative ideas into experiments and initiatives
Notice and shift personal, team and systemic behaviours and norms
Introduce the benefits of participatory leadership to your own field
The Art of Harvesting – how to visually capture and make sense of meetings and conversations for clarity, learning, growth and wise action.
Apply what you are learning directly to the change projects that are important to you, your community or organisation
Additional Details
Invitation PDF -
Region -
Calling Question
How may we strengthen our personal leadership and ability to work in peaceful and co-creative ways, to build thriving futures for all?
Event Hosts
Toke Møller, Mary Alice Arthur, Maja Rottbøl, Anne Madsen and Rowan Simonsen. Apprentice hosts: Martin Krayer von Krauss, Efua Uiterwijk and Frederikke Oldin With support from James Ede
Registration Details
Date & Time The training starts at 9:00, Thursday 3rd April and ends 16:00, Saturday 5th April, 2025 Participation fee We offer three types of fees and early bird prices until 1st Feb. Full Fee (Corporate, Public Sector): 1350 Euro Early bird 1275 Euro Individuals and Community organizations: 975 Euro Early bird 925 Euro Students/Scholarships (Limited places): 600 Euro Early bird 550 Euro Group Discount Requests: 10% discount for groups of 3 or more people from the same organisation. Scholarships: In case you would like to participate, but are not able to afford the stated fee. For either Group Discount or Scholarship request, please get in touch with us on email: aohdenmark2025@gmail.com
More information email - For any questions write to Rowan on aohdenmark2025@gmail.com
Contribution to the center - Yes
Country - Denmark