Art of Hosting for men – “Leading from felt sense”

Art of Hosting for men – “Leading from felt sense”

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Art of Hosting & Community of Practice
Dare to sense!

After many successful seminars, we are offering our first Art of Hosting format specifically designed for men. The lasting resonance from our previous events and the shared inspiration we experienced together with participants confirm that this offering resonates powerfully with the current zeitgeist.
The enthusiasm, inspiration, and courage to embrace change that we have witnessed in our previous seminars with women motivate and reassure us: a new form of leadership that often integrates so-called “soft skills” such as listening, empathy and mindfulness are becoming ever more relevant. In the same way this is an opportunity for men to expand their very own leadership style, make potential visible, and contribute powerfully yet empathetically in turbulent times.

In this seminar, we will create a space for resonance in which individual strengths and talents can manifest in the group. We will support one another on a learning journey until our inherent clarity emerges. Inspired by stories from each other, we will be encouraged to find our own balance where to act from. We will practise methods that help us find solutions with ease, even in complex environments, and learn to trust in collective wisdom, empathy, and our intuitive sense of the future. How do we spark processes that truly shift systems and create an environment for genuine listening and deeper mutual understanding at a time when our organisations and teams are longing for change? Which methods help us structure decision-making processes in such a way that all perspectives are heard and sustainable solutions can emerge?

Art of Hosting as an Approach
Art of Hosting is a spectrum of methods that invite participatory co-creation, encourage creative interaction, unlock the wisdom of the many, and make meaningful conversations on equal footing possible.
Art of Harvesting, enables us to make process dynamics comprehensible to others. This facilitates the transmission of implicit and less easily accessible knowledge, leading to innovation in shared spaces and fostering a transformed mindset.
Theory U provides us with a framework to remain present even in challenging situations, to connect with the emerging future, and even to co-create and lead from it. We convey vibrant content through experiential learning and storytelling, alternating between circle formats, small group work, solo time, and journaling to reflect and anchor what we experience.
During all the training days, participants will prepare their own interventions under the supervision of experienced hosts and practically apply the Art of Hosting methodology applying the learned principles.

Why a Day Online? Our working lives are no longer purely analogue: virtual meetings, remote teams, and digital platforms have become commonplace for many of us, yet they often pose particular challenges for successful collaboration. That is why the third training day is deliberately held online, allowing us to experience the participatory principles of the Art of Hosting in a virtual setting. We will experience and learn how powerful collaboration can flourish digitally.

For Whom?
For men who wish to lead and work in a holistic way and want to make a difference within their organizations or in society at large. Both newcomers and those already familiar with Art of Hosting will enrich the exchange and further refine the approach through their experiences.

When and Where?
Vienna, 10 – 11 May 2025 Im Hinterhaus, Schottenfeldgasse 12/6, 1070 Wien, Österreich & Online 17 May 2025

10 May: 10.00–18.00, followed by a storytelling evening with a shared dinner (18.00 – 20.30)
11 May: 9.30 – 18.00
On the first day, the focus is on arriving, getting to know the methods, and the joint exploration of our key questions. In the evening, we dive into the world of storytelling, learn from practical examples, and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.On the second day, we deepen our learning, try out further formats, and bring the day to a close with a shared conclusion and an optional group dinner.
17 May (online): 9.00 – 13.00
Follow-up session approx. 6 weeks after

More Feedback from Participants:

“I loved the strong action-oriented approach: only as much theory as needed, then diving into practice and application.”
“There was a palpable sense of presence and a clear ‘holding of the space’ that lasted throughout the three days.”
“It was exactly what I needed in my personal transformation journey. Thank you.”“It was a real confidence-booster. So much shifted in me, and now I know what I want to change.”
“The formats are phenomenal—I was familiar with some, but not at this depth.”
“I found answers for a number of challenging projects. Blockages I’ve been facing for years suddenly all dissolved!”
“We learned how to explore boundaries by tapping into collective intelligence.”
See website for more details: Transformative Leadershio

Additional Details

Invitation PDF -



Region - Europe

Calling Question

How do we, as men, sense our own authentic leadership style, and how do we remain grounded in that strength even when times get turbulent? Which (often unconscious) role models and narratives shape us and hold us back from genuinely living “soft” factors such as emotional intelligence and active listening? How do life and work environments influenced by so-called “soft skills” look like, and why are these crucial right now? What are the patterns of a vibrant and sustainable organisational culture?

Event Hosts

Markus Schneider & Ursula Hillbrand

Registration Details

Standard: 1597 Euro NGOs: 987 Euro Prices are quoted net. They include training materials, snacks during breaks, and a dinner on the first evening before our story telling event. Payment via invoice. The invoice will be sent to you. Installment payments are possible.

More information email -

Contribution to the center - Yes

Country - Austria


Date And Time

2025-05-10 @ 10:00 AM to
2025-05-11 @ 05:30 PM


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